The Primal Point
This collection brings together articles made available on The Bahá'í World to honor the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb in 2019.
"The appearance of every [Divine] Educator," wrote the Universal House of Justice in October 2019, "is a pivotal event that propels the advancement of civilization. ... The Báb’s Writings flowed profusely from His pen, disclosing profound truths, dismissing superstitions that held sway in His day, urging the people to recognize the significance of the times, castigating the hypocrisy of their leaders, and summoning the world to an exalted standard of conduct. ... His influence spread with extraordinary rapidity. ... Observers were astonished alike by the fast-swelling numbers of His followers and by their deeds of unsurpassed bravery and devotion. Accounts of the Báb’s life—the swift arc it traced and the tragic drama that ended it—induced curious souls to travel to Persia and investigate further, and inspired a range of artistic tributes to His Person."